Lawyer Web Design Services in Nairobi, Kenya

Lawyer Web Design

Website design needs to vary accordingly depending on needs and busines. Website design and development is a customized procedure and the design needs to vary and conform to the nature of the websites and requirements of the industry. Web design is about planning and strategizing to achieve website goals and objectives.


At Janeson Films, we consider the following when designing your website.



Typography of a website is crucial defining its look and feel. It also volume about your professionalism. Good typography has a positive influence on people and gives an optimistic impression about your company.


Note that print typography and online typography are not the same.  Some of the best online fonts are Helvetica Sans-serif. Fonts can convey company beliefs to the audience.




A logo is the brand identity of a business and is an immediate recognition tool for the audiences. In the corporate world logos are so popular that it does not even have to be accompanied with the company name


Logos let allow people to differentiate the company from it competitors but it needs to be supported with adequate brand potency. Corporate logos should be clean and simple and convey the brand value.



Colors of a website influence the mood of visitors and elicit a particular response from them. The selection of colors offers the visual character of the company.  Hues should emphasize the philosophy and ideals of the organization.


Brand Value

Corporate websites are the online identity of the company. Therefore, it should replicate and market the brand value of the business. How a website appears and ranks on the Internet often decides the way it is perceive in the corporate world. It is very important for websites to create brand recognition for the business and promote its prime aims and objectives.



Corporate website design should demonstrate the quality of the organization and business and portray it as a leader in the industry . Other than promoting the products and services of the company, a website should showcase the quality of the products and service.


We are the right company to get your website up and running.  Contact us today for a quote.