The world is a global village and now more than ever, a compelling online presence is fundamentally important to any venture. Digital marketing refers to a collection of techniques and assets that are employed in the marketing of products and services mainly on the internet, among other digital media. This type of brand marketing calls for strategy,market research,brand awareness,online reputation and Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Janeson Media is a digital marketing agency that offers digital marketing advisory services as well as digital marketing training in Kenya. The media company studies trends in digital marketing and applies these on client-to-client basis. This is because different businesses have different digital marketing needs. To this end, we examine the intended niche and test the digital marketing components on a small scale before applying the same on a larger scale.

Our services include;

  • Analysis of online patterns
  • Customized strategies and tactics
  • Web design
  • Clear roadmap to digital success
  • Digital campaign management
  • Social media

Analysis of online patterns

An analysis of a client’s online patterns aims to bring to light the sections that need boosts and recognizing patterns that  demonstrate promising improvement.

Customized Strategies and Tactics

Digital marketing strategies employed by start-ups differ from those used in established brand names. We tailor marketing tactics to a particular area,environment and goal. If the aim is to improve customer interactions, emphasis is placed on social media platforms. If there’s a more substantial need for sales, our team focusses on conversion techniques.

Web Design

The general design of a website ought to mesh with the particular business needs. The website is optimized for search engine optimization to enhance its Google ranking and promote leads.

Clear Roadmap

During consultation, we look out for a client’s vision regarding their target. Using this insight, we come up with a clear plan for digital marketing. These goalposts are important in gauging progress. Setting a clear roadmap also ensures smooth transition between online campaigns.

Digital Campaign Management

Our team of digital marketers are skilled and experienced in management of digital campaigns. We apply search marketing,email marketing and affiliate marketing to further enhance brand awareness and gain consumer  insight.

Social Media

In the XXI century, social media is a force to be reckoned with. A large or growing social media presence is an investment that gives tangible returns. Social media influencers know this all too well. Maintaining a good online reputation is just as important. Reviews and referrals should be used as a stepping stone to online dominance.Social media platforms such as FaceBook, Twitter and Instagram provide a link between customers and an entity. Feedback from these and other platforms gives valuable insights that help in tailoring digital marketing and social media campaigns in order to reach the target population.

In the light of digital transformation age, Janeson Media adds immense value with regards to marketing and offers businesses, companies and organizations a competitive edge in the digital world. Talk to us today.