As a musician in Kenya, you have a lot of opportunities to generate income through live performances, product endorsement or album sales among others. Equally a cash cow is the movie industry, which is currently on an upward trend as witnessed by the recent increase of local movies and TV shows; this could mean an increased demand for theme music and soundtracks for TV shows and movies. Artists in Kenya – you included – need to tap into this market by producing music directed at this industry.
Here at RJ IDEAS, we have the knowledge and experience needed to help you produce theme music or soundtrack that are powerful enough to evoke various emotions in movie audiences including love, pain, happiness or sadness. We have worked with various categories of the movie industry and with the knowledge garnered from that, are fully equipped to handle any theme music or soundtrack project targeting various kinds of movies or TV shows. Our experts know what it takes to successfully pitch your theme music to your targeted type of movie and will duly advise you on what to do.
With the assistance of our producers, you will come up with a soundtrack or theme music, which complements the narrative of the movie or TV show you are targeting. Our latest equipment in recording and production ensures that you will have a final product that is ready for broadcast without re-recording it to perfect it. This means that it will be virtually indistinguishable from the songs played on the radio stations.
Furthermore, RJ IDEAS strives to develop a long term relationship with their clients by repaying them for their loyalty to us. Thanks to our deep connections with various movies producers and directors in Nairobi’s entertainment scene, rest assured that we will give you a heads up the instant we hear of any upcoming movie or TV show in need of theme music and soundtracks. This is a show of gratitude to you for entrusting us with your project; by doing this, we are also expressing our confidence in your product. That’s why we will recommend it to every movie producers or directors we know that has a project lined up.