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January 6, 2020Benefits of Google Adwords Advertising for Ecommerce Website SEO Optimisation
January 7, 2020
Ever clicked on a company’s website and two seconds later you were met with a charming “Hi, I am Alice, how can I help you?”
Great! That is most probably a chat robot, shortened as chatbot. It is a computer program that triggers a chat as the name aptly puts it through man-made intelligence. Usually, a chat bot communicates with a human being. This kind of artificial intelligence is applied by companies to aid in call centers, electronic commerce, online betting and e-gaming. This means they are programmed for specific conversations and not what a typical human range conversation would entail.
There is no gainsaying the power of chatbots in the business and marketing world. In a field strung by cut throat competition, brands are constantly seeking ways to curve a niche in terms of customer service. Companies want clients feel they have a connection and that they can a have a conversation about the product and services offered- hence chatbots. These intelligent bots have a rarity of bringing a human touch even as more brands embrace them as a way of engaging users and consequently improving the brand’s image. It is this intelligence that makes them impeccable learners able to grasp from conversations and handle issues thrown at them. You can get a good laptop in Nairobi Kenya to be able run machine learning programs for the chatbot
A study has put the number of large businesses who have adopted this AI at 40% further averring that many more will have one so partially or fully by the end of 2019. This shows that organizations are embracing the idea of chatbots as a way of improving efficiency and ensuring customer satisfaction. Clients no longer have to fill forms, or waste valuable time rummaging through contents. Customer is king, the cliché’ has never made more sense than in this age. Your image as an organization is your key selling point and client satisfaction should be your main aim. If that be so, then improve your customer service with AI chatbots. The benefits of this will be worth the try. Here are a few:
Rapid Response– Bots know no slumber. Meaning a customer who is on your site at 3am or 8pm will still be served without having to pay human customer service provider overtime for night shift. Plus their response is instant! This will thrill customers.
Save time- Unlike human agents, chatbots can handle numerous requests almost at a go with the same response. They give answers to frequently asked questions with a humanly touch. They neither fumble nor search for answers. This increases customer satisfaction. AI chatbots are less prone to error owing to their ability to recognize and interpret a client’s response and provide automated yet accurate answers.
Valuable customer engagement- Chatbots and clients are like old buddies. Only that the client has to initiate the conversation first. Chatbots re friendly and can chat with a customer any day, any time on any issue related to the organization. They also cut off the passive form of communication most firms have with clients. Meaning they can inform clients on promotions, product pages, sales, etc.
Need an AI Chatbot to improve your marketing? Reach us today by filling the form below.