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Social media videos are a great way to advertise your brand, product or service. It is also the cheapest and most effective way to promote your business. You can easily create a video of any length and add it to your social media page to start getting more traffic, leads and sales.
If you have an idea for a marketing video but don’t know where to start, this article will help you understand all the steps involved in creating a social media video for your business.
A video posted on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube is known as a social media video. It can be used to promote products or services, educate viewers about specific topics, or entertain them with funny content like comedy skits or viral moments from TV shows or movies that everyone loves watching when they’re bored at work or school!
These videos are usually short clips more petite than 2 minutes long (but some might be longer depending on how much information needs explaining). They’re usually seen on desktop computers since there isn’t much space on mobile devices like smartphones or tablets (unless viewed through apps like Instagram Stories).
Most social media has changed how we connect and engage with each other. It’s a platform where we can share our stories, express ourselves and connect with millions of people worldwide.
Social media is no longer just a platform where you post selfies and videos of your dinner. It’s now where businesses connect with their customers and other companies. And that’s why social media videos are now one of the essential aspects of any business’s marketing strategy.
The best part about using videos for marketing purposes is that they’re easy to create and can be used in many different ways. You can use them in your email campaigns, Instagram stories, or even Facebook ads!
Videos are also great for educating customers about your products or services and teaching them how to use them correctly. They’re also great for selling products because they allow consumers to see exactly what they want before making a purchase decision.
Social media video production services in Kenya are top-rated, and for a good reason. The production of a video for social media is a complex process, and it’s not something that any amateur can do.
The first step in the process is planning the video. This involves figuring out your end goal, who your audience is and what they want from you, how you’re going to reach them, how much time you have to make the video, and what kind of budget you’re working with.
Once you’ve set yourself up for success by planning out your strategy, it’s time to move on to filming. This can involve anything from an interview with someone important in your industry or field to shooting footage of some local events happening in Kenya.
After you’ve filmed all of the footage that will go into your video, it’s time to edit! Editing takes place after filming because the editing process allows you to handle large amounts of footage and make them into something coherent and cohesive.
Finally comes distribution! You’ve finished making your video now; now, all it is left is to share it with the world! You can do this by posting it on YouTube or Facebook (or both) or even sending it out via email if that works better for you
The art of social media has been around for a while now. It is the fastest way to communicate to your audience and provide them with information about your brand or product. Social media platforms have become a significant part of our lives. We use them to interact with other people, share our thoughts, and even make money from them.
Today, businesses are moving towards creating videos on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. This is because these platforms have billions of active users who are always looking for new things to watch on their phones or computers. Here are some of the benefits of creating your video content for social media platforms:
1) Increase awareness: Social media videos help increase awareness about your brand or product by providing valuable information about it that cannot be found anywhere else online;
2) Build trust: Social media videos can be used to build trust between you and your audience by showing them how trustworthy you are in various ways, including testimonials from previous customers;
3) Traffic generation: Videos can also generate traffic from other websites if they have links embedded within them which will lead back to another website where more content can be found